Usage Statistics (2023-2024)

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11652 413

Histomorphological spectrum of intracranial space occupying lesions: Experience at tertiary care centre

Author : Devika S Kinkhede, Saroj A Meshram*, Sanjay N Parate, Dinkar T Kumbhalkar, Shilpa P Tathe, Archana A Randale

Doi :   Page No : 485-491

10055 358

Hypersegmented neutrophils in peripheral smear –An etiological analysis

Author : Feby T Francis, Aysha Ali, Priya P Kartha, Jayasree K A

Doi :   Page No : 39-42

9838 662

Hematological changes in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in adults

Author : Nalini V Kadgi, Seema G Chauhan*, Leena A Nakate

Doi :   Page No : 452-456

7564 446
5227 293

A study of histopathological spectrum of leprosy at tertiary care hospital

Author : Krutika Patel, Prashant R Patel, Jhanvi Vyas, VM Bhagat

Doi :   Page No : 16-20

3278 779
2878 392

Ki-67 expression in human oral squamous cell carcinoma

Author : Chandrakanta, Pooja Nagayach, Ritu Sonkar, Rajni Bharti, Harendra Kumar*

Doi :   Page No : 473-477

2866 417

Milan scoring system in the diagnosis of salivary gland lesions for assessment of risk of malignancy

Author : Bhavana Grandhi*, B Syamsundara Rao, N Mohan Rao, G V Sunandha

Doi :   Page No : 443-446

2111 416

Ki67 and P53 expression in breast cancer and their correlation with clinicopathological parameters

Author : Sukanya Gogoi*, Bandita Das, Mondita Borgohain, Gayatri Gogoi, Jayanta Das

Doi :   Page No : 478-484

1973 394
1882 823
1858 565

Suspected SARS-Cov-2 reinfections in health care workers from Assam, India: Are they true reinfections?

Author : Gayatri Gogoi, Mandakini Das, Biswajyoti Borkakoty, Mondita Borgohain, Anup Kumar Das

Doi :   Page No : 10-16

1813 1269

Insights of hematological parameters in dengue virus-infected patients

Author : Tika Bahadur Thapa*, Bibek Raj Bhattarai, Sujina Maharjan, Sushant Pokhrel, Manisha Sapkota

Doi :   Page No : 340-345

1786 465
1659 421
1652 524

Cytomorphological study of cervical Pap smear based on the Bethesda system 2014

Author : Sinchana KM*, Meena N Jadhav, Shreekant K Kittur

Doi :   Page No : 232-237

1636 431

Role of mean platelet volume in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Author : Aman Thakur*, Paricha Upadhyaya, Smriti Karki, Anju Pradhan, Purbesh Adhikari, Mona Dahal

Doi :   Page No : 126-131

1592 365

Cytologic diagnosis of neuroendocrine neoplasms including carcinoid tumours- A retrospective study

Author : Lakshmi K, Rary P Mony*, Renu Sukumaran, Nileena Nayak

Doi :   Page No : 123-127

1526 336
1507 336

Covid-19 associated mucormycosis

Author : Sistla Radha, Tameem Afroz, Sudhir Prasad, Sandeep Reddy, Kalyan Bommakanti, Vaishnavi Bommakanti

Doi :   Page No : 25-30

1478 383
1460 457

Cervical cancer screening using liquid-based cytology (LBC) in a secondary care hospital in Northeast India

Author : Nito Yepthomi, Nounechutuo Miachieo, Esther Vise, Bendangtoshi Jamir, Rebeki Momin, Kanili Jimo

Doi :   Page No : 21-24

1451 518

HBA2 levels in iron deficiency - Can iron deficiency mask thalassemia screening?

Author : Shobhit Goel, Preeti Tripathi*, Rajiv Kumar, Arijit Sen

Doi :   Page No : 8-13

1432 290

Low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm

Author : Sayali Shinde, Smita A Sawant

Doi :   Page No : 81-83

1414 361
1414 391
1383 230

Utility of Yokohama system for classification of breast FNA

Author : Meenakshi Swain, Shyamala Nedunuri*

Doi :   Page No : 20-26

1323 342

To compare the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC with histopathology in benign and malignant breast lumps

Author : Dayal Singh Bisht, Himanshu Sharma*, Dev Jyoti Sharma, Vivek Upadhyay

Doi :   Page No : 107-111

1300 331

Clinicopathological correlation of p53 expression in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate adenocarcinoma

Author : Ganraj Bhat, Mohammed Afroz Ahamed, Neha Saroha*, Greeshma Prasad

Doi :   Page No : 60-64

1295 385

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